Ένα απο τα καλύτερα τραγουδια που εχω ακούσει τον τελευταίο χρόνο. Στους περισσότερους, εντελώς άγνωστο αλλα το τραγούδι ειναι πολύ ωραίο.
And i never drank alcohol and i never got high
it was the end of a hundred years that took me by surprise
what i thought to be dangerous, on the verge of a smile
turning out to be nothing more than hiss and overdrive
and there is nothing or noone more powerful
and the light that shines upon you says the same
when i wake up i’m doing a somersault
for the ones who never dared to speak my name
i am shy and mysterious when i say my goodbyes
when i part with the ones i’ve come to love throughout my life
when the times are miracelous, when i stop to think twice
when i sleep in the bushes next to where the treasure lies
with a devil in the words that you speak to me
when there’s nothing left and we are at the end
in the heavens you laugh at me secretly
where it echoes over and over again
and there is nothing or noone more powerful
and the light that shines upon you says the same
when i wake up i’m doing a somersault
for the ones who never dared to speak my name
Ο Μασκ οραματίζεται το μέλλον με Έξυπνα Ρομπότ & Αχρήματη Κοινωνία, χωρίς
Πριν από 24 δευτερόλεπτα
4 σχόλια:
einai ontws katapliktiko...
to tragoudi einai fovero opos kai to sygkrotima... oi " i got you on tape" kai o Jacob Bellens distixos einai agnostoi pros to elliniko koino, alla pragmatika aksizoun.. to album tous " spinning of the cause" einai poly kalo opos kai to omonimo tragoudi. pragmatika thelw na ginoun pio gnostoi stin ellada...
som·er·sault also sum·mer·sault (smr-sôlt)
An acrobatic stunt in which the body rolls forward or backward in a complete revolution with the knees bent and the feet coming over the head. Also called somerset
Πράγματι εξαιρετικό αν και κάτι μου θυμίζει
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